Monday, May 19, 2014

Monday Morning Weekend Wrap Up

Whew, this weekend was full of proud moments.

The Oldest got his grades back up from C's and D's to B's and C's. Lots of hard work and a ton of follow up, but I know he's brilliant, and I knew he could do it. Now that he knows he can do it, he's aiming for A's and B's before the end of the year. In Pathways, we began the ceramic Father's Day gifts, and the kids worked on the hallways for open house next week. The jazz band performed in the newly completed performing arts center, and the sound in that space is amazing! I can't wait to hear The Boys in there as they move forward in music. The evening was a fundraiser for ALS and ACS. The high school band director told of the origins of the fundraiser, a band mom who had been diagnosed with ALS and asked him not to yell at her son at band camp. Her sons names are The same as Diane's sons. Of course Diane has been on my mind, more so at band activities. The concert (5 jazz bands) ended well past bed time for The Boys, especially considering...

Had to get The Oldest to his school to board a bus at 5:45 am. I came home and slept for another hour, got The Youngest up and out the door to the band review, where the band took four first place and a sweepstakes award. Got home and cut down the strip of weeds between the driveways. When Corky came over after work, I shopped and then we continued cutting down the weeds in the front yard. The Boys helped out, and one of their friends came over. I am a bit concerned about why this friend (who has not voluntarily come here in over a year) is suddenly interested in this place. His mother came over after a bit, so I had to stop what I was doing to listen to her complaints. I was not that interested in listening, and my brain was on overdrive with all of the things I needed to do. They left and Corky arrived and I made dinner. We all went to bed at a descent hour and I slept like the dead. Might have been all the physical labor, or it could have been the ibuprofen.

Woken up at 8:00 by the same friend from yesterday wanting to come back here today. His text: "what's up?". My reply: "The Boys". They were already up, and I quickly got dressed and got us all outside to work on the side yard. It took 4 hours, but ALL of the weeds have been cut down, raked and bagged. The green bin is full, and there are an additional 5 bags for next week's green bin. The friend continued to text and call, but I was in the middle of yard work, and needed The Boys to keep focus, so I didn't respond until we were nearly finished. He was over 10 minutes later, just missing The Boys taking their showers, but eating lunch I made for them all. I am still harboring a grudge with his mom, and my conversation with her is completely overdue. And now I want to know what the hell went on over there this weekend that her kid wanted to spend his free time here. The ex picked up The Boys for dinner, after not seeing them for over a week, during which he, his gf and her 2 kids were on vacation. I went to dinner with Corky and her roommate and The Boys were back here about an hour before bed time.

This next week will be busy for me and The Boys. A dentist appointment, orthodontist appointment, lunch with the teachers, two jazz concerts, two parent meetings (maybe three), and an open house. Tonight is early bed time, after folding and putting away laundry. Oh, and more ibuprofen, definitely.

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