Saturday, December 4, 2010

My Town Shoot Out - Thankful

I know this isn't Friday - I seem to be an entire day behind these days...
I think in Dublin, what we are most thankful for is living in a beautiful city, is made up of communities, made up of people who care about each other. The communities are varied and come together initially because of commonality. We are made of members of specific organizations, families, neighbors, school friends, co-workers, and people we run into regularly. Within our communities, we help each other out as much as we can, and are always there when we need each other. In the hustle and bustle of the holidays it is easy to forget that we are all in this together, and all of us are members of one human family.

Personally, I am grateful for my friends and family, for our continued good health and humor, and for being here another year to celebrate life.

Oh, and my oldest turned 10 this week:
From this sweet and adorable 6 month old:
To this sweet and adorable 10 year old:

Happy Weekend all!


Unknown said...

awwwwwww.......... that baby pic is just so precious J9. I am so glad you posted it. and now a active young man. congrats!!

Pauline said...

I agree with Doreen - an adorable baby and a cute 10 year old. So nice to see a parent appreciating their child.

Jama said...

He was an adorable baby with such gorgeous eyes!

~JarieLyn~ said...

Love his baby pic. His eyes are so gorgeous. Cute boy too with all those freckles