Monday, January 9, 2012

Monday Morning Weekend Wrap Up

So it all started innocently enough. A post on freecycle came through on Wednesday with an offer of a loft bed with slide. I looked up some images on google and decided that might work for one of The Boys. I picked it up the same day, and left it in the garage (in pieces). For the next two days I had The Boys talk to each other about who would get the new bed. My plan was to have The Youngest take the bed, without the slide, and take his bunk to make a loft over table for The Oldest. If that was not what he wanted, I was going to turn the new bed into a train table for The Oldest in the garage. By Friday they had made their decisions, and on Saturday, after 11 hours of sleep, I began.
This is what The Youngest's set up looked like about 18 months ago:

I took apart this bed, cleaned under the bed, vacuumed, and organized and built the new bed with a modification or two - leaving off the side rails and the slide.
This is what we ended up with on Saturday: 
He still wants a camouflage tent under the bed as a fortress, so I will be looking for appropriate fabric and putting that together.

Sunday was The Oldest's turn. This is what it looked like before (only far less neat and tidy):

I took apart this bed, The Dude drilled 4 new holes at desk height using a template I made, The Oldest and I cleaned under the bed, vacuumed and rearranged. I then put the bunks back together, and ran to buy the desk top. The Dude cut the wood to fit. It doesn't exactly, but at $36 a sheet, it's workable. The Oldest also did not want the side rails, so those were left off. He completely reorganized his room with the added storage, set up his fan and alarm clock, and set up his train set on a part of the table:
Back breaking work for a weekend, but totally worth it as they are both really enjoying the new set up, and have thanked me repeatedly. Also, I feel good after such a physically labor intensive couple of days. There is more to do around the house, but this was a satisfying project and frankly, I am damned proud of myself for thinking of this, and getting it done! I was feeling quite the Butchy McButch yesterday, and it has given my some added and needed swagger ;-)

Oh, and I also discovered Rizolli and Isles fan fiction this weekend, so that kept my mind busy... It's been about 10 years since I read any fan fiction at all, and I am a voracious reader, so I hope many of the writers I am finding will continue to write.

Happy Monday all!

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