Sunday, January 29, 2012

My Town Shoot Out - Delicate

If you would like to see what others around the globe are shooting of their towns, I encourage you to go HERE.

I know I am late on this week's post - lack of inspiration, network down, mental breakdown, blah, blah, blah...
This week's theme is Delicate, and I wracked my brain all week for inspiration - which in hind sight seems contradictory. However, while grocery shopping (a chore I detest), I was struck by inspiration, and decided that the delicate nature of life was what I wanted to portray. The delicate balance we all walk between living and dead, and how we choose to honor that (or not) each and every day.

All images were taken this week in my town's cemetery.

Happy rest of the weekend all!


Bagman and Butler said...

Ah, I should wait a tad later before posting the spotlight -- I kind of thought someone would post on Monday. Glad you did. I love the idea -- delicacy of life. I'm also impressed by the compulsive soul who brought his hunting and fishing equipment with him...

Unknown said...

Yes that idea entered my mind abut never developed as yours did. Great post. Sometimes I am late too. I liked this post very much.

Suzy said...

An interesting take on the prompt. love the angel. Thanks for visiting my blog.