Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Easster and other stuff

We celebrated Easter this weekend with an Easter basket (read candy) hunt, involving 5 clues per kid. My folks hosted an Easter brunch which included direct efforts to communicate their religious views and thoughts on Jesus, how we trust in him and that helps us survive the bad things that happen. I suppose they find comfort in their faith. Good for them. I do not follow their faith, and often feel left out of the conversations. It's OK because I prefer flying under the radar. I have faith and spirituality, but it is not centered around a religious tome. My Aunt attended brunch, which means another coming out story. I called her Saturday night to tell her, you know, give her a heads up before Sunday. At first she didn't understand, as I'd stated I was bringing my girlfriend. Once I realized I'd used a term that has different connotations in her mind, I added that this is someone I've been dating for the last 9 months. She asked if I was okay, and I said the truth, that I am happier than I've been in a really long time. She cried at the memory of me as a child (we were closer then). She lammented about my time married, and I reminded her of the time she took me to a medical lab to show me blood under a microscope, and I fainted. We laughed about how I would never have been a Dr. and wondered about how I no longer feel faint in an emergency involving blood. She cried some more about how stong she sees me (and I am strong - emotionally and physically). She said how awesome and wonderful I am (and I am). Easter itself, she was fine. Visited with us all and didn't say or do anything weird. Let me add that I didn't think she would, but she is a neo con and known to spout ditto head talking points. Now that she knows, she can alter her discussions at least she did that day. I guess this will be the case with the rest of my fundamentalist family. However I say that none of that really matters (I suppose it shouldn't), knowing my family loves me completely and unconditionally is a revelation, and makes me cry.

Oh, also had an egg hunt for money, got in an argument on fb about boycotting jelly belly, and cried from missing Corky at my house. I know eventually she will live here too, and I am lonely when she isn't. She spent Saturday night and was here to witness the kids following the clues to their baskets. I loved having her here for the holiday. It felt more right.

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