Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Oh for fuck's sake

The first time I discussed porn with The Boys (both) and on line searches happened three years ago. The next time was last year with The Oldest and the sexting debacle, and today was conversation number three. This one with The Youngest about a search I found on my PC after he was supposed to be writing his state report for fifth grade... I was in and out of the house working on a cool project I will share later. When I turned up my monitor, there was a google image search of sitting women, naked and legs spread. The image up was more clinical than typical porn, and represented an uncommon vulva (for porn). The hood was larger than I usually see, and the outer labia a bit puffier than the current porn norm. So today's discussion was about it being okay to be curious, but to be careful what you search for as you could net a whole bunch of stuff that is completely inappropriate, as well as not even real life. You will then go through life with misconceptions about what people actually do in bed, and your expectations will be completely unrealistic. I think I will be having The Boys watch this video:

Oh, and I made him the same offer I'd made The Oldest - that I would be happy to get some magazines in here, but The Oldest cannot stand the smell of newsprint nor magazines - it makes him gag, so The Youngest would have these all to himself. I will take him to Barnes & Noble and let him browse. I'm not talking porn mags, but maybe Victoria's Secret.

And so puberty has hit The Youngest in full force...

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