Sunday, April 25, 2010

Sunday Evening Weekend Wrap Up

This weekend was a bit of a blur. Emotionally I was all over the map, had some weirdly disturbing dreams, and stayed up way too late. I however did NOT do any work for work. I needed time away from that part of my life.
Friday I worked in The Boys' classroom in the afternoon, and spent the evening doing laundry and dishes and getting ready for Saturday, so it was kind of mellow. I did drive The Dude to pick up his truck after it got a new fuel pump, which is what I had diagnosed was the issue all along (without even having driven it), but of course he had to replace the O2 sensor, and talk about replacing the computer. I didn't say "I told you so", but there is a hole in my tongue. The had a late soccer game and The Boys and I hung out.
Saturday morning at 8:00, I was supposed to be at The Boys' school again, helping to spread crushed gravel on the track. However, The Youngest had a baseball game, and had to be at the field at 8:30 with The Dude, and The Oldest and I were kind of slow moving, and didn't make it. I had my usual class where I had to leave by 9:30, The Oldest had a Tae Kwon Do review at 12:30, I worked the snack bar from 2:30-5:30, and we went to some friends' house for dinner. Dinner was relaxing, but I felt bad because I sent The Dude and The Boys while I was working and didn't get there until late. I also felt like I was running all day long. Finally back home and in bed about midnight.
Sunday I desperately wanted to sleep in. I was even all set to do that until my subconscious stepped in with a series of vivid and disturbing dreams that included sexual encounters, squids falling from the sky, tattoos, piercings, a flash flood, homeless people and drowning. After getting out of bed, The Dude had to leave for a soccer game. I made breakfast for The Boys and did dishes and finished the laundry. I decided to be outside, and wash my car. The Boys and I went out to do just that, and had just finished emptying the trash and taking out the floor mats when The Dude arrived from soccer to say he needed my car to show property as soon as he was out of the shower. So we put that on hold, I threw the mats in the wash, and went out back to work in the garden. I pulled some weeds, scooped the poop, and got to the volunteer berry bush that was starting to take over, but couldn't find my heavy gloves, so that went on hold too. I had a snack while listening to music in the yard and trying to figure out what to do next. Ended up pulling the mats out to discover I may have broken the washer with that load. Great. Fed The Boys lunch and by then The Dude was home. Was able to finish washing the car, and decided to also wash the dogs. Went to pick up new gloves, and also picked up 3 more tomato plants, a pepper plant, strawberry and basil plants, and onion seeds. I thought I had all my seeds from last year, but couldn't find them when I got home - I seem to recall (now) that they may have gotten into some water and rotted last year. I still have swiss chard coming up from last year as well as an artichoke plant that hasn't flowered either of the 2 years we've had it, but for fresh artichokes I'll wait as long as it takes. I pulled the thorny bush, planted all but the peppers, and hung the 2 tomato buckets that have been growing for about 3 weeks. An aside - I found many slugs under the buckets. I still need to get my squash and maybe some broccoli in. Maybe some melons too, but I've had horrible luck with those over the past few years. Went grocery shopping and made a roast for dinner. Read with The Boys and FINALLY got to sit down and catch up with some of my DVR from the last few weeks.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Try shifting the melons into a black nursery tub. :)