Sunday, July 4, 2010

How I spent my 43rd Birthday

July First marked my 43rd trip around the sun. And yes, I know the picture to the right is misleading. I do still look quite a bit like it - still have curly har, and now have many more freckles than 38 years ago. I don't think I would go back and tell my five-year-old self what to expect as she gets older. I want her to be just as surprised and full of awe and wonder as she can.
I most especially wouldn't tell her how heartbreaking it is to lose someone you love. How difficult it is to let go, and how painful it is to stand at an open grave on your birthday and say your final good-bye while people sing Happy Birthday to the one person in your family who shares your special day.
Some images from My Birthday:
Members of the Color Guard, preparing to present the flag:

What's left of Uncle Paul:

The view is very nice though:


Rachel Cotterill said...

It may not be how you would choose to spend your birthday - but I hope it went well.

kathryn said...

Oh, so sad! I'm so very sorry for your loss....but I'd still like to wish you a very happy birthday as well...