Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Tableau Tuesday Weekend Wrap Up

So it was a nice long weekend for me. I took Monday off and disappeared for a couple of days with Corky - we'll get to that.

Did a bunch of grown-up things, like balancing my bank account and clearing my work e-mail from 684 messages in my inbox to ZERO. I handled all of them. ALL OF THEM. It took the entire day, but I did it. And it made me feel accomplished. I know I'm weird in that it made me anxious.

Spent the day cleaning out all the old electronics, grocery shopping, shoe shopping, dropped the dogs at the kennel, had lunch and visited my folks. Also packed a bag.

Slept in a bit, and decided to vacuum before leaving. The cat freaked out and bolted, but I wasn't sure if she went outside or somewhere in the house. We spent a couple of hours looking for her, and asked bff to check and see if she showed up at night (she didn't). And so, we headed out of town. This was the 5th anniversary of Corky's mother's death, and is always a difficult day for her whole family. We drove a couple of hours away and ended up in Guerneville for the night. We lunched and wandered the town. It is a cute place, and I could see living there, if it were on the coast... That seems to be my constant lament - I find all of these really great places, but they are not on the coast. We had an early dinner and retired to our penthouse where I debuted my purchases from Curvy Girl. The look on Corky's face was totally worth every cent I spent. We enjoyed our evening in, and spent plenty of time laughing our heads off. I love that we can break into giggle fits and make each other laugh.

Corky's birthday (also the birthday of both of my dogs). We had a delicious breakfast and hit the road. We decided to just meander our way home, stopping at the sparking cellars for champagne tasting, the Charles Schultz museum, and a casino before a 2 hour, traffic insane drive home. I found that: I enjoy a Riesling sparkling wine; Schultz was a very interesting person, and the museum was delightful, and I more than doubled my money at the casino. We stopped at a place featured on TV for a LATE lunch (only 5 hours after breakfast), and the food was phenomenal! In fact all of the food during our trip was so delicious. I feel like I need a cleanse diet afterward - or to start running marathons... The cat found her way home, and was none the worse for wear. I think she was just pissed off at me, and decided to hide out in a neighbor's yard all of Saturday. It was a really nice two days unplugged from reality.

Today is back to the multiple demands of my life. I hope you all have a fantastic week.

And now for some pictures!

Created with flickr slideshow.

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