Thursday, May 28, 2009

Hypocrisy - Seriously NSFW

Warning - may not be safe for work:

I've read some of the feedback on this PSA and much of what is being missed is the intent to highlight the hypocrisy of using the bible as a justification for discrimination. Biblical scholars have pointed out that the bible contradicts itself, and it is the interpretation of scripture that causes much hand wringing, not to even mention the translations that have been wrong, and the MANY books intentionally left out of the bible - but that is a soapbox for another person, and another day.

Another Video by the same group, which will likely upset many people:

Again pointing to the hypocrisy of it all. The other criticism I've read is that these videos will only reach the people who already believe in civil rights for all. That may be true, but still worth addressing.

My issue is that this can be seen as less of an invitation to intelligent discussion, and more divisiveness among humans. I understand why there is anger behind each side, and would LOVE to see something bringing the sides together.

This one won't do that either, but I still like this singer, even if she is a train wreck.

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