Monday, February 24, 2014

Monday Morning Weekend Wrap Up

Kind of a mellow and serene weekend.

Had a hair appointment where I hope my hair person was able to lighten up the dark she did last time, but it is still pretty dark. More reds in it, but still dark. Was at the elementary school to teach art, but the kids had an assembly, giving us only 30 minutes at the end of a Friday that also included a field trip.We did drawings of our noses, and it was extremely difficult for almost all of them, so we will tackle it again. Went to some dear friends' for dinner, and brought chocolate bread pudding for dessert. They hadn't yet met Corky, and I had fun visiting and catching up with them. I think I did a much better job including Corky in the conversation, and she said she didn't feel left out. The Boys hung out with their boys and didn't want to leave.

Printed out some pictures for BFFs son to use in a report. Laundry, errands grocery shopping and a photo shoot for a friend, using a camera borrowed from the ex' gf. Filed the police report on the robbery last week, and helped another friend choose a tattoo design. Didn't get to see Corky at all because she had a funeral to attend in the morning, worked closing and had to open on Sunday. Also, she is spending time with her roommate on Sunday, so I probably won't see her again until Monday, or after. She's working a seven day stretch, which means she'll be really tired by next weekend when we are going out. Found out that a member of my community died from cancer. She was 14 years old, and the entire town has come together to support her family during this difficult time. I cannot even imagine the turmoil, pain and sadness. Finished a baby shower gift for Corky's expected grand nephew.

Laundry and knitting the second gift for the grand nephew. The boys completed homework and built a fort downstairs. Reflecting on how much I miss Diane, and how she won't have the opportunity to knit for a grandchild, or see her boys mature into adults. Also, for the little girl who's life was cut short, and what she will miss, as well as how hurt her parents are, and will be as they witness all of the milestones their little girl didn't get to experience. Corky stopped by after work, which I was thankful for, as I thought I wouldn't see her at all. Had the BFF's son over to hang with The Boys. Thought BFF would hang and visit, but it was a drop and run kind of thing. Made me feel a little used and left me wondering about what is going on.

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