Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Cold Medicines make you loopy

As evidenced by my last post. I am no less loopy today, it is still beyond frigid here, and there are clouds with no moon in sight. At least if it rains, the weather should warm up. One can hope it won't snow. I've been sounding like I'm hacking up a lung for a few days now, and it's turned into this croupy sounding mess. Add to that the stress incontinence of having had a 13 pound baby - the natural way, and my period, and you'd know why I'm not right about the head at all this week.

Then there is the Sunday Stills Challenge - the moon. An ominous sign for sure. First off, full moons are crap to shoot because there is so much reflective surface. I might have to get REALLY creative with this week, especially if I can't capture the moon at all. We'll see what I can come up with before Sunday.

I'm tired of looking for a job. It gets more depressing each day that I am not phoned in abject wonder of why, oh WHY would any sane company let me walk out the door. I know, a bit much to hope for, but really why would they?

Frugality update - Eaten every meal at home this week, and have cooked a ton of meat because Ron is on a carnivore diet again. Cross Roast, Turkey, Italian Sausage. Blech. Tomorrow I'm making Corn Chowder again. I also went to the storage shed and dug up my old tea pot. See, I'd packed it away a few years ago in an effort to declutter the house. Now I've started drinking tea again, I wanted it back. Ron said to just go buy a new one, but I'm SO not going to do that when I have SEVERAL tea pots just sitting in storage. It was in the first box I opened - HA! I also found that if I make tea in the evening after the kids go to sleep, it helps me not eat my weight in popcorn or other snack crap, it warms me up, and helps me sleep better. Also, it makes my throat and chest feel better in this cough/cold thing. That reminds me, I need to order tea.

Ordering done, my Imunitea should be here shortly.

Valentine's day is right around the corner and the boys are nearly done with the valentine's for their class. Tomorrow is the 100th day of school for this year and their class is making trail mix. Each kid has to bring 100 of something that would go in trail mix. My oldest is bringing 100 pieces of Honey Combs cereal. The youngest is bringing 100 craisins. Last year had a weird combo of Sour Cream and Onion Potato Chips and Reese's Pieces, but the kids all like it.

No more bees, but today I was surprised to see about 40 crows in the field behind my house. I usually don't see that many at once.


iasa said...

Aw, you poor thing. You sound as if you are having an awful time. The tea should help. Kudos for not buying a new teapot, when you had one you could use.

yum, yum con chowder.

A Scattering said...

I hope you'll be feeling better soon but the cold is making you funnier than usual! Thanks for the link yesterday.

iasa said...

I'm sorry,did you say THIRTEEN pounds? Whoa.

J9 said...

Thanks for the well wishes, and I am felling a bit better, though not entirely! And yes, 13 pounds, as in that was one MONSTER sized newborn...

Coachdad said...

My little one just had her 100 day celebration. We counted fruit loops over and over again. Hope you get well soon!

Coachdad said...

There is an award for you on my site if you want it.

Anonymous said...

Hang In There, J9! We're all pulling for you!

BTW -- She's more hysterical IRL!!

J9 said...

Thanks Coachdad - that's cool!
CalSurf59 - you crack me up on a regular basis IRL too!